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White Project - Creative Fashion Jacket


White project: https://www.4dkankan.com/showProPC.html?m=b9WWL1qpW
Mastering the art of transforming the humble white jacket into an imperfect capsule item of one’s wardrobe, this exhibition depicts the poetic union of vision and techniques through using sculptured creativity. Jackets are still a closet must-have but they have taken on a game-changing deconstructive adventure that brings shocking elegance to a formerly sturdy essential for work, play and leisure alike. Are you ready to up your game to join the White Project?

White projecthttps://www.4dkankan.com/showProPC.html?m=b9WWL1qpW

是次名為White Project 的Pop-Up 時裝展覽,HKDI時裝資料館邀請了本校37位創意無限的男女裝時裝設計系的同學聯手製作,透過解構主義的概念,將本來平平無奇的胚布和白色紗線轉化成為37件獨一無二的時尚外套。

Fashion show prejudge


Fashion show prejudge: https://www.4dkankan.com/showProPC.html?m=ASWELim9O
Showcasing the talents of  our HD Fashion Design students.  You are invited to join the ‘New Fashion Force 2020’ Show on 30 Oct. 2020.

Fashion show prejudgehttps://www.4dkankan.com/showProPC.html?m=ASWELim9O


Fashion Branding and Buying: Fashion Future Exhibition 2020
時裝品牌策劃及採購:FASHION FUTURE 2020 未來時尚展覽


Fashion Branding and Buying: Fashion Future Exhibition 2020

Exhibition Date: From 21-09-2021 to 31-12-2021

The Fashion Branding and Buying: Fashion Future Virtual Exhibition 2020 and it's physcial exhibition will be held in the Centre of Design Services and Solutions (CDSS), HKDI. Fashion Future 2020 is an educational exhibition showcasing innovative fashion business solutions for the future fashion industry suggested by the final year students of Higher Diploma in Fashion Branding and Buying. There are sustainable fashion brands with product prototypes, innovative fashion business platforms and interactive fashion apps demo in the exhibition.  Interactive educational workshops for students will be conducted by reservation starting from Oct to Dec in 2020. 

360 Virtual Exhibition & Voice Navigation Tour: https://fashionbrandingbuying.hk/

Fashion Branding and Buying IG : HKDI_FBB  

時裝品牌策劃及採購:FASHION FUTURE 2020 未來時尚展覽 

展期由2020年09月21日至 2020年12月31日

時裝品牌策劃及採購:FASHION FUTURE 2020 未來時尚展 (虛擬及實體展)將於香 港知專設計學院設計企劃中心(CDSS)開展。此教育展覽為時裝品牌策劃及採購高級文憑的畢業生,展示他們為未來時裝業建議的創新時裝業務解決方案。內容包括可持續發展的時尚服裝品牌及產品樣品、創新時尚商務平台和互動式時尚應用程式演示。本課程將於2020年10月至12月以預約方式為學生舉辦提供互動式教育工作坊。

360 虛擬展覽及語音導賞:https://fashionbrandingbuying.hk/

Fashion Branding and Buying IG : HKDI_FBB

Fashion Branding and Buying Greater Bay Area Study Trip


Thanks for all the support from Hoi Meng Group.Students learnt fashion sourcing and Product development with practical experience and sharing from professionals.


Private Store Visit to Prada


Thanks for the special arrangement form Prada Asia Pacific Ltd. for a private store visit with sharing from Visual Merchandising Director Mr. Nils Johansson, Regional Retail Merchandising Director Ms. Virginia Koh and Regional Retails Operations Director Ms. Christina Stoney about Visual Merchandising, Retail and Merchandising strategies to HD in Fashion Branding and Buying students. Special thanks for the coordination from Chairman of Vocational Training Council Design Alumni Association Mr. Eric Ng.

感謝PRADA ASIA PACIFIC 特別安排同學到訪旗艦店,更安排多位負責亞太地區的採購,零售管理及視覺營銷總監為同學講解有關PRADA ASIA PACIFIC的時裝品牌策劃及採購策略。另外,特別嗚謝職業訓練局設計校友會會長吳天恩先生幫忙聯絡。

首屆「香港牛仔節」- PMQ元創方 完滿結束
首屆「香港牛仔節」- PMQ元創方 完滿結束


由創意香港贊助,職業訓練局(VTC)機構成員香港知專設計學院(HKDI)舉辦的首屆「香港牛仔節」已於2019 年 1月11 —27日一連三週成功舉辦,首兩星期活動於中環PMQ進行,最後一週末的活動則會移師到本港布業發源地–深水埗舉行,與市民一同分享這次盛會。三週活動至今已錄得超過十萬的參與人次,證明是次活動備受香港各界及大眾的支持。

活動得到多方業內人仕的大力支持、籌辦團隊的努力及大眾的熱烈參與,最終於深水埗成功完滿結束,當日的閉幕酒會有幸請到立法會紡織及製衣界功能界別議員 - 鍾國斌議員及國際知名時裝設計師 - Vivienne Tam出席,為首屆「香港牛仔節」活動畫上完滿句號。


作為打響頭炮的「KING OF FASHION: DENIM 牛仔服裝展」,邀請了多個知名牛仔品牌及設計師,展出多個首次在港展示的牛仔珍藏及設計作品。同場的牛仔市集嘉年華及工作坊,讓市民能與牛仔服飾設計師交流,提升大眾對牛仔服飾的了解。市民透過參加工作坊,學習牛仔染色技術及舊衣升級改造的方法。活動同時帶來數場座談會,講者以不同角度分享牛仔服飾由文化以至設計的未來發展 。

由創意香港贊助,職業訓練局(VTC)機構成員香港知專設計學院(HKDI)舉辦的首屆「香港牛仔節」已於2019 年 1月11 —27日一連三週成功舉辦,首兩星期活動於中環PMQ進行,最後一週末的活動則會移師到本港布業發源地–深水埗舉行,與市民一同分享這次盛會。三週活動至今已錄得超過十萬的參與人次,證明是次活動備受香港各界及大眾的支持。

活動得到多方業內人仕的大力支持、籌辦團隊的努力及大眾的熱烈參與,最終於深水埗成功完滿結束,當日的閉幕酒會有幸請到立法會紡織及製衣界功能界別議員 - 鍾國斌議員及國際知名時裝設計師 - Vivienne Tam出席,為首屆「香港牛仔節」活動畫上完滿句號。


作為打響頭炮的「KING OF FASHION: DENIM 牛仔服裝展」,邀請了多個知名牛仔品牌及設計師,展出多個首次在港展示的牛仔珍藏及設計作品。同場的牛仔市集嘉年華及工作坊,讓市民能與牛仔服飾設計師交流,提升大眾對牛仔服飾的了解。市民透過參加工作坊,學習牛仔染色技術及舊衣升級改造的方法。活動同時帶來數場座談會,講者以不同角度分享牛仔服飾由文化以至設計的未來發展 。

首屆「香港牛仔節」- 深水埗 完滿結束
首屆「香港牛仔節」- 深水埗 完滿結束


由創意香港贊助,職業訓練局(VTC)機構成員香港知專設計學院(HKDI)舉辦的首屆「香港牛仔節」, 最後一週末的活動移師到本港布業發源地–深水埗舉行,當日的閉幕酒會有幸邀請到立法會紡織及製衣界功能界別議員 - 鍾國斌議員及國際知名時裝設計師 - Vivienne Tam出席,為首屆「香港牛仔節」活動畫上完滿句號。

當日的DENIM BAZAAR 牛仔市集嘉年華於基隆隆街及汝洲街舉行。更與多間本地布業公司合作,由HKDI的師學生們把傳統布行變身成展覽場地,展示不同元素的牛仔作品及富有香港特色的陳列設計。

另外,為讓HKDI的學生能更多參與在當天的活動, 當天由Image Design的導師,帶領著一眾學生及專業拍攝隊, 進行模特兒時裝服飾展示拍攝,以達至實踐學習的目標。



由創意香港贊助,職業訓練局(VTC)機構成員香港知專設計學院(HKDI)舉辦的首屆「香港牛仔節」, 最後一週末的活動移師到本港布業發源地–深水埗舉行,當日的閉幕酒會有幸邀請到立法會紡織及製衣界功能界別議員 - 鍾國斌議員及國際知名時裝設計師 - Vivienne Tam出席,為首屆「香港牛仔節」活動畫上完滿句號。

當日的DENIM BAZAAR 牛仔市集嘉年華於基隆隆街及汝洲街舉行。更與多間本地布業公司合作,由HKDI的師學生們把傳統布行變身成展覽場地,展示不同元素的牛仔作品及富有香港特色的陳列設計。

另外,為讓HKDI的學生能更多參與在當天的活動, 當天由Image Design的導師,帶領著一眾學生及專業拍攝隊, 進行模特兒時裝服飾展示拍攝,以達至實踐學習的目標。



Asia Fashion and Image Design Development Summit


Leading by renowned stylist Tina Liu, guest speakers including director of Fashion Farm Foundation Mr Raymond Au, founder of Koyo Jeans Mr Koyo William, renowned international fashion model Ms Kathy Chow and renowned hair design guru Mr Pius Yiu has discussed where the development of image design in Hong Kong should be heading. 


Renowned international fashion model Kathy Chow Interview 2018


SONY FES Watch U Design Project, Styling & Photography Project
SONY最新潮款手錶FES Watch U設計比賽及時尚攝影比賽


SONY invited Fashion Media Design students to collaborate in the edggy fashion item- Sony FES Watch U design competition. The Award winning design will be officialy downloadable on the Fes Watch APP fron Sony Japan.
SONY FES Watch U Design Project, Award Winner - PATCHWORK - by Student LEUNG Tsz Ho
SONY FES Watch U Styling & Photography Project, Award Winner - Tiger - by Student LAI Wing Sze

SONY邀請時裝媒體設計高級文憑的學生為最新潮款手錶FES Watch U進行設計比賽及時尚攝影比賽。雖然是一年級學生,但創作水準絕對有驚喜!除獲豐富奬品外,得獎作品更會在日本Sony官方網站給用家下載,恭喜各位同學!
SONY最新潮款手錶FES Watch U設計比賽得獎作品 - PATCHWORK - 梁子豪同學
SONY最新潮款手錶FES Watch U時尚攝影比賽得獎作品 - Tiger - 黎咏詩同學

Interview with Costume Design Experts - Costume Design Graduation Performance 2018
採訪演藝造型設計界專業人士-演藝造型設計高級文憑學生畢業作品 2018


Esprit International Exchange Scholarship
Esprit 交流獎學金


Student Ho Cheuk Ki and Lai Wing Ki were selected to join the Esprit International Exchange Scholarship to Amsterdam Fashion Academy.

就讀演藝造型設計高級文憑的何綽祈與黎詠琪同學獲得由Esprit資助的獎學金 ,一同到荷蘭阿姆斯特丹修讀課程。

China Retail Visit at Fangsuo, Taikoo Hui Guangzhou, Jan 2018


Fashion Branding and Buying students had a Retail Visit at Exception, a renowned fashion brand in China, and its concept store, Fangsuo in Taikoo Hui, Guangzhou.


Hoi Meng x HKDI 3D2N Trip 2018 – Showroom and Factories Visit sponsored by Hoi Meng
開明集團X HKDI考察團 2018


With the sponsorship from Hoi Meng Group, Fashion Branding and Buying students participated in a Study Tour at Hoi Meng Guangzhou Headquarters. They had the opportunity to visit the newly-built headquarters, brand showroom and factories based in Guangzhou.


Tokyo Bunka University x HKDI Study Trip 2017, Dec 2017
東京文化學園大學 X HKDI 考察團 2017


Fashion Branding and Buying students experienced the University Life in Japan! They attend lectures and workshops facilitated by Tokyo Bunka University and all students had chance to dress in Yukata to experience the Japan’s culture! They also visited a number of local fashion companies and a indigo-dyed workshop.




HKDI Fashion Media Design students participated in the Nike Force studio event in Hong Kong. The Fashion Media Design students did the Styling & Photography, Art jamming and the Making of Behind the scene video to capture the fun and engaging activity of the event. 

HKDI Fashion Media Design 學生是唯一被邀參與Nike Force三十五周年活動的學生。除了與Aga jam音樂外,還有多位時裝藝術猛人的進行時裝造型及攝影比賽。每組首先在一對Air Force 1 波鞋上發揮創意,再為model設計造型 ,最後以labor of love 為主題進行拍攝,過程只有60分鐘時間準備。第一名隊伍每人獲得定製的Air Force 1 一對。所有參與的同學均獲得一對Nike 波鞋及Air Force 1 三十五周年紀念品。同學們表示是次比賽不但能使他們增廣見聞,比賽過程亦相當刺激,覺到非常愉快。

Fenix Group Scholarship - Student tour to Shanghai Sinexpo
Fenix Group Scholarship - 學生到上海SpinExpo參觀


22 students from Fashion Design (Knitwear )are awarded to join the study trip to Shanghai SpinExpo and Factory Visit to Zhejiang Zhongding Textile Co. Ltd. and Zhejiang Xinao Textiles Inc.


Esprit scholarship - Amsterdam Study Trip 2017
Esprit 獎學金 - 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹資助課程 2017


2 students studying in Higher Diploma in Fashion Media Design were selected to join the Esprit Scholarship to Amsterdam Fashion Academy - Styling and Photography course. Besides their improvement gained in the academy knowledge and skills, they have broaden their horizon, met new friends and exchanged culture. Fashion Media Design students have made this short video for the sharing to you!

2位就讀時裝媒體設計高級文憑的同學獲得由Esprit資助的獎學金 ,一同到荷蘭阿姆斯特丹修讀於Amsterdam Fashion Academy 的 Fashion Styling & Photography 課程。除了增長學科知識外,同學們還擴闊了眼界及思考能力,文化交流,以及認識新朋友。同學們特意製作了以下短片和大家分享。

Knitwear Symphony 2017
毛織大匯演暨香港青年毛織設計師大賽 2017


Graduates from HD in Fashion Design won all Awards in Knitwear Symphony 2017,
Overall Champion: Kwok Kon Ming, Keith
First Runner up: So Yi Kwing, Milton
Second Runner up: Lau Kong Wa, Joe
Shima Seiki Award: So Yi Kwing, Milton


Shima Seiki:蘇怡炯

HKDI HD in Fashion Branding and Buying學生揚威海外 - TEDxITE談時裝全球化
ITE-VTC International Student Seminar in Singapore


Fashion Branding and Buying Students Alicia Chan, Vania Faronto and Queenie Lam presented their research topic "The 21st Century Revolution of "Globalifashion" at ITE-VTC International Student Seminar

10位時裝品牌策劃及採購高級文憑的同學代表VTC/HKDI參加六月底在新加坡舉行的TEDxITE研討會及學術交流, 談全球化對時裝行業生態的影響, 提出GLOBALIFASHION新思維 。 學生Alicia Chan, Vania Faronto and Queenie Lam在台上信心十足,表現出色, 嬴得滿場掌聲。 交流期間, 與當地學生有很多互動,了解不同文化和學習方式 , 建立友誼。

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Voices from Fashion Image Design Students
HKDI Image Show 2017 - Voices from Fashion Image Design Students


HKDI Image Show 2017 - Voices from Fashion Image Design Students

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Voices from Fashion Image Design Students

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 1
HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 1


HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 1

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 1

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 2
HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 2


HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 2 

HKDI Image Show 2017 - Part 2 

HKDI Fashion League 2017
HKDI Fashion League 2017


HKDI Fashion League 2017 Opening Ceremony 

Date : 9 June 2017


5 competing groups from the Higher Diploma in Fashion Branding and Buying to showcasing 5 pop-up stores and competing for 7 different awards

HKDI Fashion League 2017 Opening Ceremony 

Date : 9 June 2017


5 competing groups from the Higher Diploma in Fashion Branding and Buying to showcasing 5 pop-up stores and competing for 7 different awards

Image Show 2017
形象設計表演 2017


Date: 19 June 2017 Monday

3:30- pre judge show,

Free seating

first-come-first serve

7:30- Image Show and Prize Presentation

(by invitation)


Auditorium, 3 King Ling Road , Tseung Kwan O, NT, Hong Kong (Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Exit A)

Date: 19 June 2017 Monday

3:30- pre judge show,

Free seating

first-come-first serve

7:30- Image Show and Prize Presentation

(by invitation)


Auditorium, 3 King Ling Road , Tseung Kwan O, NT, Hong Kong (Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Exit A)

新勢力時裝表演 - FASHION SHOW 2017


Date: 15 June 2017 Thursday

3pm I Judging Show


7:15pm I Award Presentation Show(By Invitation only)

*6:00pm Cocktail Reception

*6:45pm Opening Ceremony



Auditorium, 3 King Ling Road , Tseung Kwan O, NT, Hong Kong (Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Exit A)

Date: 15 June 2017 Thursday

3pm I Judging Show


7:15pm I Award Presentation Show(By Invitation only)

*6:00pm Cocktail Reception

*6:45pm Opening Ceremony



Auditorium, 3 King Ling Road , Tseung Kwan O, NT, Hong Kong (Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station Exit A)

Fashion League 2017
時裝聯盟 2017


Fashion League 2017

See you at ELEMENTS 

Exhibition Date: 6-14 June, 10am-8pm

Opening Ceremony: 9 June, 6-7pm

時裝聯盟 2017

4個分流, 5個時裝品牌, 138個學生


展覽日期: 6-14 June, 10am-8pm

開幕式: 9 June, 6-7pm

HKDI x MilkX Magazine cover Design Competition
MILK X + HKDI 封面設計比賽


HKDI x Milk X magazine cover design competition. HKDI Fashion Media Design students were invited to participate in the magazine design competition for MilkX and will be published in June 2017 issue.

Milk X 雜誌和 香港知專設計學院舉辦了一個封面設計比賽,邀請修讀時裝媒體設計 (FASHION MEDIA DESIGN)的學生為《MILK X》重新設計封面,主題不限,隨參加者任意發揮。最終獲得最多LIKE的作品將獲得豐富獎品,並連同其餘參賽作品刊登於《MILK X》6月號。

HKDI Graduation Fashion Show Prejudge & Exhibition
HKDI Graduation Fashion Show Prejudge & Exhibition


HKDI Graduation Fashion Show Prejudge & Exhibition

Open to public on 22 April 2017 (Sat) 2pm - 5pm

Address: 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O (Tiu King Leng MTR station Exit A2)

HKDI Graduation Fashion Show Prejudge & Exhibition

Open to public on 22 April 2017 (Sat) 2pm - 5pm

Address: 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O (Tiu King Leng MTR station Exit A2)

K-pop wave fashion accessories tour 2017
K-pop wave fashion accessories tour 2017


Study tour for IMAGE students has been historically an important and integrated part of the education. It enriches students’ international insight by comparative research and material exploration; cultivate their sensibility to aesthetic by studying works of masters

Study tour for IMAGE students has been historically an important and integrated part of the education. It enriches students’ international insight by comparative research and material exploration; cultivate their sensibility to aesthetic by studying works of masters

Shibori Workshop
Shibori Workshop


The master of Shibori Art Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada  was invited to deliver tow workshops to students from Fashion Design and Fashion Design Menswear. In the workshop, a wide variety of specialist surface textiles techniques were provided. Students were able to work with dyed and printed fabric as well as finishing and surface treatments. 

The master of Shibori Art Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada  was invited to deliver tow workshops to students from Fashion Design and Fashion Design Menswear. In the workshop, a wide variety of specialist surface textiles techniques were provided. Students were able to work with dyed and printed fabric as well as finishing and surface treatments. 

Taster Program to Secondary Schools
Taster Program to Secondary Schools


A series of workshops on DIY Upcycling Denim Fashion  was talior made for secondary school srtudents who are interested to learn about Menswear Design

A series of workshops on DIY Upcycling Denim Fashion  was talior made for secondary school srtudents who are interested to learn about Menswear Design

HKDI's students won the 1st place in the Fashion Beauty Category for UN Orange Label Project 2016
HKDI's students won the 1st place in the Fashion Beauty Category for UN Orange Label Project 2016


Su Jun FANG and Sin Tung CHEUNG from the HD in Fashion Image Design (Hair & Makeup stream & Styling and Photography stream) of HKDI have won the 1st place in the Fashion Beauty Category for the UN Orange Label Project 2016. The project was setup in collaboration with the UN Trust Fund, the London College of Fashion and the International renowned fashion photographer Nick Knight -Showstudio.com. It was a worldwide open competition for students to compete through fashion encompassing design, illustration, photography, hair and makeup work to deliver the message "FASHION SAYS NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN". The winning entry has also been published in the British Vogue, and will be shown on the LCF website and Showstudio.com


The article can be viewed by the following link:


Su Jun FANG and Sin Tung CHEUNG from the HD in Fashion Image Design (Hair & Makeup stream & Styling and Photography stream) of HKDI have won the 1st place in the Fashion Beauty Category for the UN Orange Label Project 2016. The project was setup in collaboration with the UN Trust Fund, the London College of Fashion and the International renowned fashion photographer Nick Knight -Showstudio.com. It was a worldwide open competition for students to compete through fashion encompassing design, illustration, photography, hair and makeup work to deliver the message "FASHION SAYS NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN". The winning entry has also been published in the British Vogue, and will be shown on the LCF website and Showstudio.com


The article can be viewed by the following link:


Innocarnival 2016
Innocarnival 2016


The collection “Smart Clothing” showcased in the Innocarnival event was inspired by the backpackers and their journey. The design details focus on creative "one piece zipping up" and "zero waste pattern cutting" method to create unique silhouette and form of design. “Smart Clothing” was produced with two kinds of fabrics which were cut into identical traveler’s map-shaped patterns, and pieced together with a zipper. Through a creative exploration of zip-up position, the outfits can perform unexpected form and show completely different styles equipped with multi-functional design. For example, a top can be transformed into a backpack. The diversified yet practical collection fulfils the needs of wearers and promotes the concept of sustainable development of fashion design aesthetically.

「多用途時尚服裝」系列靈感源自旅程中的背包客及其背包上的各種裝備。此系列以背包客常用的古老地圖為設計藍本,設計新穎,剪裁獨特。作品主要採用了「一片式拉合紙樣」(One piece zipping up)及「零廢料的環保剪裁方法」(Zero waste pattern cutting) 來創做出別樹一格的服裝缐條及款式。

設計師更選用了兩種厚薄不同的布料, 但相同形狀的的紙樣,剪裁成地圖形狀,透過多元化及不同位置的拉合方式,隨著不規則既凹凸位就可演變出多個截然不同的外形及款式,更可變換成各類多功能的穿法 (Multifunctional),如利用拉鏈將不同布塊拼合,便可把上衣變成背包, 至於男裝背面就有一條帶,可以用作承載露營墊。多元化而實用的設計,既可滿足穿著者的需要,更可宣揚可持續發展的時裝設計概念

Youth Career Planning Program - Fashion & Image Design
青年職業先導計劃 - 時裝及形象設計


Tutor’s sharing on Youth Career Planning Programme – Fashion and Image Design

青年職業先導計劃 - 時裝及形象設計 – 導師分享

Youth Career Planning Programme - Fashion and Image Design
青年職業先導計劃 - 時裝及形象設計


240 Secondary form 4 & 5 students joined a short course on up-cycling of denim design.


HKDI X Advance Denim Mini Exhibition in CIMT
HKDI X Advance Denim Mini Exhibition in CIMT


Denim has been accompanying us for more than a century, we have witnessed its evolution from functional to fashion avant-garde design. Denim is "friendly", it goes well with most fashion items, and turns out to be a must-have item in our wardrobe. 
Denim Atelier is an artistic denim design project jointly developed by Advance Denim and HKDI, to celebrate its ever-changing styles throughout its 150 years of existence. 10 denim designs were selected for a mini exhibition, developed by 10 fashion design students from the Department of Fashion and Image Design, who are all denim lovers. Various creative design techniques such as deconstructing and reconstructing garment forms, together with mixed media surface textile design were applied to create a unique denim artefact.

About Advance Denim:
We, Advance Denim, have been played a major role in the denim industry for almost 30 years. Founded in 1987, Advance Denim is the first denim mill in China, which has been and will always remain True to Denim with love and passion.
Our denim is from the finest vintage selvedge denim to the most innovative performance technology. It is our inherited expertise and our equipment that enable us to create the most beautiful and high performance fabric.

Denim has been accompanying us for more than a century, we have witnessed its evolution from functional to fashion avant-garde design. Denim is "friendly", it goes well with most fashion items, and turns out to be a must-have item in our wardrobe. 
Denim Atelier is an artistic denim design project jointly developed by Advance Denim and HKDI, to celebrate its ever-changing styles throughout its 150 years of existence. 10 denim designs were selected for a mini exhibition, developed by 10 fashion design students from the Department of Fashion and Image Design, who are all denim lovers. Various creative design techniques such as deconstructing and reconstructing garment forms, together with mixed media surface textile design were applied to create a unique denim artefact.

About Advance Denim:
We, Advance Denim, have been played a major role in the denim industry for almost 30 years. Founded in 1987, Advance Denim is the first denim mill in China, which has been and will always remain True to Denim with love and passion.
Our denim is from the finest vintage selvedge denim to the most innovative performance technology. It is our inherited expertise and our equipment that enable us to create the most beautiful and high performance fabric.

HK Fur Federation Seminar
HK Fur Federation Seminar


Aiming to nurture young design talents and facilitating young designers and to foster creativity, the Hong Kong Fur Federation presented a seminar on various topics about Fur Design, including material knowledge and resources, design techniques and the latest trend on Fur Design. Demonstrations of specific fur sewing technique was showcased during the seminar.

Aiming to nurture young design talents and facilitating young designers and to foster creativity, the Hong Kong Fur Federation presented a seminar on various topics about Fur Design, including material knowledge and resources, design techniques and the latest trend on Fur Design. Demonstrations of specific fur sewing technique was showcased during the seminar.

Yoho Mall Halloween Image Design Competition


10 groups of Image Design Stylng and Photography stream Year 2 students have particpiated at the competition and won the top 3 awards with cash prize and shopping coupons


Young Designer Contest YDC
Young Designer Contest YDC


Wong Lai Yu, Gim won the Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest 2016 Second runner up and the Best Footwear & Accessories Design Award organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development  Council

Wong Lai Yu, Gim won the Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest 2016 Second runner up and the Best Footwear & Accessories Design Award organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development  Council

Airland Mattress Styling shooting


Airland Mattress co. will invite Cheung Ka Long, Fencer for The Olympic game to do a brand shooting. Hair & Make up, Styling and Photography student also participated in this shooting.


HK Fur Federation Promotional Materials Shooting


The HK Fur Federation has invited the Image Design staffs and students to take photo shooting for preparing their promotional materials. All the styling, hair and makeup and layout designs were taken by our graduates and current students.


t students. 

Wool4School Student Design Competition
Wool4School Student Design Competition


HKDI’s Fashion Design lecturer was invited to be the Judge and Workshop Instructor for Wool4School student design competition (Secondary School). A workshop for making a wool bracelet was inducted by HKDI Fashion Design lecturer Miss Roxana Chan.


Fenix Group Overseas Scholarship 2016
Fenix Group Overseas Scholarship 2016


2 knitwear design students Wong Ka Yin and Chu Shuk Shan was selected to study Textile Design Workshop summer course at Central Saint Martins at London.

兩位針織科的同學黃家賢及朱淑珊成功奪得由 Fenix Group 贊助的獎學金到英國倫敦的 Central Saint Martins 讀紡織設計短期課程

Hotel sav Collaboration project
Hotel sav Collaboration project


Hotel sáv together with HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute) fashion and image design department to create two themed room which showcasing the masterwork by the young talents from HKDI, and the whole production process is under the indication of HKDI professional tutorial team. To support “Floor of Fashion” HKDI even specially selected six pieces of student work to showcase in the corridor, to let everyone feel the power of local fashion talent once they entry the floor.

Accomplishing the launch of The Gallery – Floor of Fashion, Hotel sáv specially revamped a whole new “POP UP At SAV” area in the 1/F.
During “POP UP At SAV” you can find out the chic and newest items from local fashion designer and young talent of HKDI, which concentrating the masterpieces of the native fashion industry.


為了配合全新迎「逸‧酒店」亦為訪客帶來煥然一新的快閃店,名為「POP UP At SAV」。店舖設於一樓,店內商品均由本地設計師和香港知專設計學院畢業生所設計,從商品的質素可感受到本地時裝工業的重要性。

Esprit International Exchange Scholarship


Students from HD in Fashion Image Design and HD in Fashion Branding and Buying attended a short course in Milian.


The 6th AHMA Annual Hair Show and Competition in Kuala Lumpur


2 of our Image Design Styling and Photography stream students have selected to produce and coordinate show wardrobe before and during the show.


The AHMA Hair Show and Competition in Taichung


2 of our Image Design Styling and Photography stream students have selected  to produce and coordinate show wardrobe before and during the show.


Yen Chow Street Hawker Bazaar "Pang Chai" Mini Fashion Show and Exhibition 2016
Yen Chow Street Hawker Bazaar "Pang Chai" Mini Fashion Show and Exhibition 2016


This fashion show and exhibition was initiated with the hope to record the collective memories of this local fashion heritage site. This project brings together students and alumni to develop a fashion collection and create artifacts in appreciation of the local fashion culture.

This fashion show and exhibition was initiated with the hope to record the collective memories of this local fashion heritage site. This project brings together students and alumni to develop a fashion collection and create artifacts in appreciation of the local fashion culture.

“Fashion! Have Fun!”
“Fashion! Have Fun!”


“Fashion! Have Fun!” is an event organized by students from HD in Fashion Branding and Buying and HD in Fashion Media Design. The highlights of the event will be the themed pop-up stores set up by the students studying fashion buying, which is a good chance ro understand more about the interesting works of fashion branding, buying, marketing and media design.

"Fashion! Have Fun!"是一個由時裝品牌策劃及採購的同學所籌備的活動,令參加者能夠對時裝品牌策劃,時裝採購,時裝營銷及時裝媒體有更深入的認識。同學於活動當日亦設置了主題式的Pop Up Store。

Cultural Trip - Beijing 2015
北京時裝文化考察之旅 2015


Year one student from HD in Fashion Branding and Buying has the opportunity to join cultural trip organized by FID, where destinations include Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Modern Media Group,  Today Art Museum, Beijing 798 Art Zone, Tiananmen Square & Hu Tong...Students were able to meet with the local designers, design student, as well as some industrial parties. They also have a chance to explore the culture of Beijing & taste the local foods.


Cultural Trip - Taiwan 2015
台灣時裝文化考察之旅 2015


充滿文化色彩的華山及松山文創區、時尚優閒的富錦街、休閒日落的淡水和熱鬧的西門町……….What a chic Taipei visit! 我們也有機會拜訪了台灣時尚品牌的老闆和設計師,學習他們經營品牌的策略, 同時也與輔仁大學念 Fashion Business and Marketing的本科生交流,結識了一些志同道合的台灣朋友!好想再去呀!

充滿文化色彩的華山及松山文創區、時尚優閒的富錦街、休閒日落的淡水和熱鬧的西門町……….What a chic Taipei visit! 我們也有機會拜訪了台灣時尚品牌的老闆和設計師,學習他們經營品牌的策略, 同時也與輔仁大學念 Fashion Business and Marketing的本科生交流,結識了一些志同道合的台灣朋友!好想再去呀!

Collaboration Project with Korean Accessories Designer-Ms Il Jung Lee
韓國飾物設計師IL Jung Lee配飾設計專案


Korean Accessories Design Il Jung Lee conducted a Accessories workshop for Fashion and Image Design Students.

韓國飾物設計師IL Jung Lee為時裝及形象設計的學生舉辦了配飾設計工作坊。

Image Lab360 Opening at PMQ
Image Lab360 於 PMQ 開幕


Over 40 students from Fashion Image Design program have helped in the preparation of the Image Lab 360 opening ceremony, which included the mini fashion show operation and hair & make-up of all models.

超過40位時裝及型象設計的學生參與Image Lab 360 開幕的製作及時裝秀的準備,包括模特兒的髮型化妝。

Wired - A Time Journey AHMAxHKDI Collection Book Vol.2 making of
AHMA x HKDI 潮流特刊攝影製作特輯


2 hair & make-up students and 2 styling students were accompanied with lecturer Cecilia Pritchard, Terence Luk, Pacino Wan & Stephen Sparke in the Japan shooting trip.

兩位髮型及化妝同學和兩位時裝造型及攝影的同學連同老師 Cecilia Pritchard, Terence Luk, Pacino Wan 及 Stephen Parke一同到日本進行拍攝工作。

PMQ Halloween 2014
2014 PMQ萬聖節化妝活動


Over 20 students from Image program has helped in the running of 2014 PMQ Halloween event, which includes the face painting of visitors and makeup and hair styling of performers.

超過20位時裝及形象設計的學生參與2014 元創坊萬聖節活動,包括表演人員的髮型化妝及參加人士的面部彩繪。

Mark Coulier Workshop and Seminar 2014
荷李活特技化妝師Mark Coulier化妝講座


Hollywood makeup artist Mark Coulier held a seminar on make seminar on make-up and special effects makeup. Mark Coulier is a British make-up artist and prosthetic makeup expert, who has worked in "Harry Potter" film series, "X-Men" and "The Mummy Return".

荷李活特技化妝師Mark Coulier於2014年於香港知專設計學院舉行化妝講座及特技化妝示範。Mark Coulier是一名英國化妝師及義肢化妝的專家,他亦參與了哈利波特電影系列,X-Men及盜墓迷城的電影拍攝。

Esprit International Exchange Scholarship
Esprit 交流獎學金


Student Ho Cheuk Ki and Lai Wing Ki were selected to join the Esprit International Exchange Scholarship to Amsterdam Fashion Academy.

就讀演藝造型設計高級文憑的何綽祈與黎詠琪同學獲得由Esprit資助的獎學金 ,一同到荷蘭阿姆斯特丹修讀課程。
